Students support
Help for new students taking courses taught in English
Payap University International Students
Are you a new student at Payap University in 2020? Here are some tips to help you.
Department & course links, maps, location & directions help and are below (scroll down)
Your Department
If you are taking a degree course in English then you are probably in the International College on either an undergraduate or postgraduate course listed below.
If you are in the International College, and you are at Payap University, then you should be attending the Orientation day. This is the webpage for the International College.
Useful Information
There are other important details that you should be aware. Find out information about visas, insurance (health), student, email and Office 365 accounts, E-Registrar and the Learning Management System (LMS).
The E-Registrar page holds your registration details and also your course information such as your timetable. (E-Registrar)
Many instructors provide access to course material via the LMS system (image below). Your academic advisor should be able to advise you on all academic matters and direct you to information on other concerns.
Course Search
If you wish to know more details about any course then you need to do the following two steps:
- Identify the Instructor
- Contact the instructor for the course information
Details can now be found on the COVID update page
Normal route (for your information):
Step 1:
- Visit the registration (E-Registrar) page.
- Change language to English
- Click the ‘search for course offered’ option
- Change step 2 to “International College”
- Step 5 enter your department code (HIM, EC, IBM or IT) with an asterisks either side.
- e.g. *HIM*
- click on the course unit code
- The instructor is stated on the course details webpage
Step 2:
Find Faculty contact details on the department website using the instructions in the first section on departments.
The webpages involved in these instructions are shown in the following images.
use the search for course option above then enter the course details as below
select the course (first screen above) from the list of courses in your department, then note the name of the instructor (see second screen below).
A link to ‘how to find my course’ on International College website.
International Room Location
Payap University International courses
Certificate courses
- Graduate Linguistics Department
- Master of Arts in Linguistics
- Linguistic Certificate Courses
The international courses are located in the building below. On the ground floor, named the first floor (floor 1) we have the rooms beginning with one. This includes the International Affairs Offices (114, 115), Visa offices (116), International College main office (102) and admissions (101), to the left, and to the right are the MBA offices and the Linguistics offices.

International programs are found in the same building by the roundabout on the Mae Khao campus

The Law department is situated on the second floor, whilst the undergraduate department offices are on the third floor. To the left are the HIM, TESOL and EC department offices, and to the right are the IT and IBM offices.
The remainder of the rooms on the third floor and the top, fourth floor are used as classrooms.
The Peace building can be reached via the side entrance and is behind the international building (see below).

The side entrance to the international building

You can access the building that hosts the peace studies via the back or side entrance. It is hidden behind all the tress (honestly!)
Office of International Affairs
Address: Payap University, Mae Khao Campus, Super-highway Chiang Mai – Lumpang Road, Amphur Muang, Chiang Mai, 50000, Thailand
Phone: +66 (0)53-241-255 ext.7226
Fax: +66 (0)53-245-353