Maintaining your student visa

Student visa in Thailand

Visa division

Contact visa division

Before you come

Before coming to Thailand

First week in Thailand

Your first days at Payap University

Maintaining your student visa in Thailand

extending your visa

You must apply for a visa extension between 15-40 days before your visa expires.

To extend your educational visa, fill out form TM 7 and gather the appropriate supporting documents ahead of time.

  • photocopies of passport pages,
  • passport photos,
  • fee,
  • etc.
90 day reporting

Every 90 days, submit a TM 47 form at the immigration department

90-day check-in is also  available online (7-14 days in advance).

There is no fee for checking in on time,

but there is a minimum $2,000 baht fine for checking in late.

The immigration official will probably staple a document into your passport informing you of the next date when you should check in.

Leaving Thailand

If you want to leave the country and return, you must apply for a re-entry permit with form TM 8, otherwise your education visa will be invalidated.

Within 24 hours of entering Thailand from a foreign country, you must check in at immigration to confirm your place of residence.

This check is done in the same place as the TM 30.

The official will stamp and date the “receipt of notification” of residence.

Leaving Payap University

If you want to leave the University you lose student status.

You must cancel your education visa at the immigration office within a certain amount of days

This is different from getting your visa invalidated by leaving the country without an entry permit.

You must officially cancel your student visa at the end of your studies

Help with your student visa

Students need to submit required documents 4-5 weeks before the visa expires


TM 30

What is a TM30? Proof of where you live

Do I need a TM30? Yes

How do I get a TM30?
Living at Payap University

  • Contact the dormitory manager
  • They will complete everything online
  • You get the receipt at the Thai Immigration Office

or, not living at Payap University

Contact the owner of your residence


TM 30 advice

  • Staple the TM 30 receipt in your passport
  • Student require the original TM30 receipt for
    • Visa extension
    • New visa
    • 90-day reporting
  • Leaving the country?
    • You have 24 hours to update your TM30 at the Thai immigration Office

90 day reporting

What is 90 day reporting?  You must report to Thai Immigration to show where you live

Do I get told the date of my next 90-day report? Yes

Do I have to wait until day 90? No

  • Online you report between 1 and 2 weeks before
  • Go to the Thai Immigration Office before the 90th day

What if I do not report on time? Fines or imprisoned



  • Visa service form          student requesting visa extensions
  • TM.7                                visa extension
  • TM 8                                re-entry
  • TM.47                             90-day notification
  • TM.30 (landlord)           receipt of notification

Chiang Mai Immigration (Main) Office

The main Immigration Office in Chiang Mai is close to Chiang Mai airport (see map below).

Please respect the  staff at the immigration office by dressing smartly and being polite, thank you.

Need help with your application?

Speak to:  Visa Services

Office: PC116 International Affairs, Payap University

Phone: (+66) 53 241 255 (extension) xxxx
