A brighter future starts here!

The mission of the Office of International Affairs at Payap University covers many different areas relating to international relations, support, travel and marketing. 

Education Service Center

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Banking & Finance




Banking & Finance




International Affairs

The mission of the Office of International Affairs at Payap University covers many different areas relating to international relations, support, travel and marketing. The wide spectrum of services provided at the Office of International Affairs includes the following: 

International Relations and International Support

The Office of International Relations (OIR) builds long term relationships between Payap University and its various international partners and institutions in order to stimulate greater understanding and financial support, and providing a wide array of administrative services unique to foreign faculty, staff, and students.

International Partnerships & Projects

There are several global projects that involve the collaboration between multiple Universities. Our Center for Social Impact (CSI) leads the way with projects to help the environment, internationalization and global education.

International Student Exchange

Study abroad program (inbound & outbound) Both students visiting Thailand and Payap University students have the opportunity to expand their life experiences with the study abroad program.

International Relations and International Marketing

Helping both International students and Payap University come together and provide information to assist in the internationalization of the university.

Specialized International Programs

Languages – the Language Enhancement Center provides  courses in languages (Thai, English) that are listed as the best in Chiang Mai.

Southeast Asian Studies Program (SEASP) offers study programs focusing on Human rights and politics, economic development and business, and cultures and societies of Southeast Asia.

Lifelong learning The Lifelong Learning program helps us that want to continue to learn and to share our knowledge and experience with each other and to enhance our personal, social and community inclusion in Chiang Mai. 

The Best in the Business

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Translation Services For Every Industry

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Human Translations Are Always More Effective

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Let Our Professionals Take Care of the Rest

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Professional Translation Services for Any Industry

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We’re Ready to Translate, Transcribe, and Localize Your Next Project

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San Francisco, CA 12395


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